Plans & Pricing


Service Plans determine the amount of compute resources available to each Instance. When provisioning new Instances from HPE VM Essentials, a plan is selected which determines the number of CPU cores, amount of memory and the amount of storage available to the associated machines. Additionally, when converting discovered instances in integrated clouds to HPE VM Essentials-managed Instances, the user selects a plan which best fits the instance as it is currently configured. When Instances are reconfigured, a new plan may be selected which redefines the compute resources which should be available to the Instance. Plans can be as specific or open-ended as the user would like, restricting the user to the resources defined in the plan or allowing the user to increase those amounts at provision time.

The Plans section (Administration > Plans & Pricing) is where Plans are managed. A set of Service Plans are seeded by HPE VM Essentials for immediate use with supported Cloud type out of the box. Additional Plans may be synced in on integrating additional Clouds depending on the type. Users can create new Service Plans or edit the system-seeded Service Plans for Private Cloud types.

Create Service Plan

  1. Navigate to Administration > Plans & Pricing (/admin/service-plans)

  2. Click the + ADD dropdown and select the appropriate Plan type

  3. Configure details for the Plan on the General tab, the configuration options will depend on the Plan type. See the section above for a detailed description of each configuration option available for Service Plans

  4. On the Price Sets tab, associate all relevant Price Sets with the Plan. The desired Price Sets must already exist. If needed, you may save the Plan at this point and come back to associate Price Sets later


Service Plan Permissions

Group Access permissions determine availability of a Service Plan to Users based on their associated Roles.

  • Group Access determines which Groups the Service Plan will be available in for Provisioning and Reconfigure.

Service Plan Configuration


Not all fields listed below are available for every provision type. After selecting the provision type, the correct fields for that type of Service Plan will be revealed. Not all fields are required to save a valid Service Plan

  • NAME: The name of the Service Plan in HPE VM Essentials

  • ACTIVE: Inactive Service Plans are not available for selection during provisioning or reconfigure. New discovered records cannot be associated with deactivated Plans when converting to managed resources. Any resources attached to a Plan will continue to be associated if the Plan is later deactivated

  • CODE: A unique identifier for use in HPE VM Essentials API and CLI

  • DISPLAY ORDER: Configures the order in which plans are displayed relative to other plans associated with the same provision type. Note that Plans will be displayed in low-to-high order based on the Display Order property. This is reversed from Layouts which are displayed in high-to-low order

  • PROVISION TYPE: Determines the resource Provision Type this Service Plan is available for when provisioning, reconfiguring and converting discovered resources to managed

  • REGION CODE: (Optional) Limits availability of the Service Plan to Clouds with the specified Region Code

  • STORAGE: The default storage size of the root volume (in MB or GB)

  • CUSTOMIZE ROOT VOLUME: Allows the root volume size to be customized during provisioning or reconfigure. Custom Range limits, if set, will apply

  • CUSTOMIZE EXTRA VOLUMES: Allows the extra volume sizes to be customized during provisioning or reconfigure. Custom Range limits, if set, will apply

  • ADD VOLUMES: Allows additional volumes to be added during provisioning or reconfigure

  • MEMORY: The amount of memory included with the plan (in MB or GB)

  • CUSTOM MEMORY: Allows the amount of memory to be customized during provisioning or reconfigure. Custom Range limits, if set, will apply

  • CORE COUNT: The number of virtual CPU cores included with the plan

  • CUSTOM CORES: Allows the number of virtual CPU cores to be customized during provisioning or reconfigure. Custom Range limits, if set, will apply

  • CORES PER SOCKET: Determines core distribution across sockets. CORES PER SOCKET cannot be larger than CORE COUNT, and CORE COUNT must be divisible by CORES PER SOCKET. For example four CORES with two CORES PER SOCKET means two sockets would have two cores each assigned. Four CORES with one CORE PER SOCKET would have four sockets with one core each assigned, and four CORES with four CORES PER SOCKET would have one socket with four cores assigned

  • TOTAL STORAGE: When custom storage is enabled for the plan, this sets a minimum and maximum total storage allowed (all disks combined)

  • PER DISK SIZE: When custom storage is enabled for the plan, this sets the minimum and maximum storage for each disk

  • CUSTOM MEMORY RANGE: The minimum and maximum allowed amount of memory for the Plan when CUSTOM MEMORY is enabled for the Plan

  • CUSTOM CORES RANGE: The minimum and maximum allowed amount of virtual CPU cores for the Plan when CUSTOM CORES is enabled for the Plan

  • SOCKETS: The minimum and maximum allowed sockets range for the Plan when CUSTOM CORES is enabled for the Plan

  • CORES PER SOCKET: The minimum and maximum allowed cores per socket for the Plan when CUSTOM CORES is enabled for the Plan

  • PRICE SETS: In the Price Sets tab, associate Price Sets with the Plan. See Adding Price Sets to Plans


Custom Range storage and memory values units (GB/MB) are inherited from the :STORAGE:: and :MEMORY:: GB/MB settings in the same Plan. For example, if :STORAGE: is configured for for 40 GB, a custom range for Storage would also be in GB.