
HPE VM Essentials includes pre-configured OAuth clients and allows the user to create as many additional clients as they’d like. The pre-configured clients are editable but cannot be deleted. Once configured, access tokens may be generated or re-generated from the API Access section. Their expiration times may be viewed as well. Client settings are available only in the Primary Tenant and affect all Tenants.

Creating an OAuth Client

To create a new OAuth Client, click + ADD and configure the following:

  • CLIENT ID: A reference name for the client in HPE VM Essentials

  • SECRET: An optional OAuth client secret

  • ACCESS TOKEN VALIDITY INTERVAL (SECONDS): The length of time (in seconds) during which the token should be enabled

  • REFRESH TOKEN VALIDITY INTERVAL (SECONDS): The length of time (in seconds) during which the refresh token should be enabled

Once the client is configured, click SAVE CHANGES.

Editing and Deleting OAuth Clients

From the OAuth client list view (Administration > Settings > Clients), click the pencil (✎) or trash can (🗑) icons to edit or delete the OAuth Client.


Pre-configured HPE VM Essentials-default clients may be edited but not deleted. User-created clients may be edited or deleted.