

Groups in HPE VM Essentials define the available resources for each user. Group access is defined by Roles. Clouds are added to Groups, and a User can only access the Clouds associated with Groups in their Role. Resources such as networks, datastores, resource pools, and folders have additional Group access settings.

The Groups list page displays all current groups, which can be filtered by applied Labels or by simple search. Existing Groups can be edited here and new Groups can be created.

To View Groups:

  1. Hover over the Infrastructure link in the menu bar

  2. Click the Groups link


  1. Select the Infrastructure link in the navigation bar

  2. Click the Groups link


To view all groups: groups list.

To use the group: groups use <id> or groups use "group name"

To get a JSON output of a specific group: groups get <id> -j or groups get "group name" -j


To view all groups: curl -H "Authorization: BEARER access_token"

To view a specific group: curl -H "Authorization: BEARER access_token"

Adding Groups

To add a group:

  1. Select the Infrastructure link in the navigation bar

  2. Click the Groups link

  3. Click the Create Group button

  4. Input out the Name and Location (optional) fields

  5. Click the Save Changes button to save

Managing Groups

To view a Group:

  1. Select the Infrastructure link in the navigation bar

  2. Click the Groups link

  3. Click the Group name to view/modify

Available tabs in group view


Lists available hosts in the group and displays power, os, name, type, cloud, ip address, nodes, disc space, memory, and status. You can add a host from this tab panel by clicking Add Host.

Virtual Machines

List all Virtual Machines in the Group.

Bare Metal

List all Bare Metal Hosts added to the Group


Lists Clouds added to the Group. Existing Clouds or new Clouds can be added from the Group by clicking Add Cloud.


Provides a text area for entering wiki content related to the Group in Markdown format. Additional information on Wiki is available in the Operations > Wiki documentation section

Edit Group

To edit a Group:

  1. Select the Infrastructure link in the navigation bar.

  2. Click the Groups link.

  3. Click the name of the group you wish to edit.

  4. Click the Edit button.

  5. From the Edit Group Wizard modify information as needed.

  6. Click the Save Changes button to save.

Delete Group

To delete a Group:

  1. Select the Infrastructure link in the navigation bar.

  2. Click the Groups link.

  3. Click the name of the group you wish to delete.

  4. Click the Delete button.

  5. Confirm

User Access


User access to Groups is determined by their Role(s). Group access for Roles can be configured in the Group Access section of a Role’s Settings.